Date | Venue | Purpose |
27 to 29 April 2020 | Online |
Agenda for the online PRIMAVERA General Assembly GA5
The agenda is online here. Please see also the Slack channel for details of the zoom meeting links, posters, discussion channels and other information (registration to slack may be required).
We enjoyed a virtual meal together, with some favourite national dishes being cooked by colleagues from other countries.
We also had an excellent quiz which was both excellent fun and had us all learning about aspects of the project.
All timings UK British Summer Time (BST) - +1 hour from GMT
Monday 27th April
PRIMAVERA and HighResMIP day
Morning Session
- 8.00 am BST. Zoom meeting opens to allow users to test their connections
- 8.15 am
- Chair: Malcolm Roberts
- Introductions, aims of meeting, fun aspects
- 8.30-10.30 am
- CLUSTER 1: Cyclones
- 8.30-8.50 Keynote: Influence of Model Resolution on Bomb Cyclones Revealed by HighResMIP-PRIMAVERA Simulations. Shoshiro Minobe, Hokkaido University, Japan (CLIVAR Dynamics Panel collab)
- 8.50-9.05 How will tropical cyclone precipitation change in a warmer climate? and possible implications for extreme precipitation., Benoit Vanniere, UREAD, WP2
- 9.05-9.20 Evaluation of the contribution of tropical cyclone seeds to changes in tropical cyclone frequency due to global warming in high-resolution multi-model ensemble simulations. Yohei Yamada, AORI, Japan
- 9.20-9.35 Resolution dependency of extratropical cyclones but just using NICAM data. Chihiro Kodama, JAMSTEC Japan
- 9.35-9.45 minibreak
- 9.45-10 Integrated Kinetic Energy of Tropical Cyclones in PRIMAVERA Simulations, Philip Kreussler, BSC, WP 2
- 10-10.15 The representation of North Atlantic post-tropical cyclones, Alexander Baker, UREAD, WP1
- 10.15-10.30 Working with (re-)insurance companies to create a European winter windstorm event set from PRIMAVERA models, Julia Lockwood, Met Office, WP10/11
- 10.30-11 Questions, discussion and break
- 11-12pm
- Chair: Dragana Bojovic
- Experimental workflows and analysis tools, visualisation
- Using ESMValTool on JASMIN: hands-on tutorial, Javier Vegas-Regidor, BSC, WP1
- PRIMAVERA Data Viewer, Markel García Díez (Daniel San Martín), Predictia, WP11
- People welcome to look at posters on Slack, raise questions on google docs
- 12-1pm lunch
Afternoon Session
- 1.0-3pm
- Chair: Pier Luigi Vidale
- CLUSTER 4: Model resolution and biases
- 1-1.20 Keynote: Comparison of PRIMAVERA and CORDEX simulation of precipitation over Europe. Marie-Estelle Demory and Segolene Berthou, ETH & Met Office
- 1.20-1.35 Impact of resolution on ocean-atmosphere interaction along the Gulf Stream, Rein Haarsma, KNMI, WP2
- 1.35-1.50 Sensitivity of future projected precipitation changes over Europe to model resolution, Eduardo Moreno-Chamarro, BSC, WP4
- 1.50-2.05 The role of high resolution climate models in adequacy assessment of future power systems, Laurens Stoop, Utrecht University & KNMI & TenneT, WP10/11
- minibreak 2.05-2.15
- 2.15-2.30 Effects of climate model resolution on land-atmosphere coupling: an analysis of the Sahel, Omar Müller, UREAD, WP3
- 2.30-2.45 Wind speed projections from PRIMAVERA models, Paula Gonzalez, UREAD, WP10/11
- break 2.45-3.15
- 3.15-4.30 pm
- Chair: Rein Haarsma
- 3.15-3.30
Upper Ocean Warming in Response to Anthropogenic Forcing in CESM HighResMIP simulations, Ping Chang, iHESP
- CLUSTER 2: Extremes
- 3.30-3.45 Evaluation of trends in extreme temperatures simulated by HighResMIP models across Europe, Gerard van der Schrier, KNMI, WP10/11
- 3.45-4 Impact of higher spatial atmospheric resolution on precipitation extremes over land, Julien Boé, CERFACS, WP2
- 4-4.15 The sources of uncertainty of the short-term climate response to a sudden Arctic sea ice loss, Steve Delhaye, UCLouvain, WP5
- 4.15-4.35 Keynote: The role of high model resolution for climate extreme simulation (no earlier), Michael Wehner, LBL
- 4.35 Discussion and finish
- 3.15-3.30
Tuesday 28th April
Morning Session
- 8.30-9.15am
- People welcome to look at posters on Slack, raise questions on google docs, etc
- 9.30-11am
- Chair: Paco Doblas-Reyes
- Plenary Session: Research results produced for and with users (WP10 and WP11)
- The 1921 drought and a storyline on future droughts, Gerard van der Schrier, KNMI, WP10/11
- Summary of WP11 work and highlights of user related activities, Erika Palin and Dragana Bojovic
- 11am: 1 minute silence to recognise the sacrifices of our colleagues dealing with the coronavirus.
- 11-11.15 break
- 11.15-12.05
- Chair: Jon Seddon
- 11.15-11.35 Keynote: Insights on Earth System processes from CRESCENDO project. Fiona O'Connor, Met Office
- 11.35-11.50 Euro-Atlantic Weather Regimes in the hist-1950 simulations: impact of resolution and mean state biases on model performance, Federico Fabiano, ISAC-CNR, WP2
- 11.50-12.05 Ventilation of ocean, role of model resolution and impact of AMOC future change, Malcolm Roberts, MO, WP4
- 12.05-1pm lunch
Afternoon Session
- 1-2.30 pm
- Chair: Cath Senior
- CLUSTER 3: Model developments
- Stochastic Physics
- 1-1.15 The impact of stochastic physics schemes on teleconnections in EC-Earth, Kristian Strommen, UOXF, WP4
- 1.15-1.30 Stochastic Physics and Tropical Cyclones, Pier Luigi Vidale, UREAD, WP8
- Stochastic Physics
- Parameterisations
- 1.30-1.45 Development and evaluation of new Van Genuchten soil-properties ancillary files for JULES and the Unified Model, Patrick McGuire?, UREAD, WP3
- 1.45-1.55 mini-break
- 1.55-2.10 Current status of OSMOSIS ocean surface layer parameterization, George Nurser, NOC, WP3
- 2.10-2.25 Effect of prognostic internal wave parameterisation with IDEMIX on ocean mean state, Oliver Gutjahr, MPI-M, WP3
- 2.25-2.40 Frontiers developments: N1280 to N2560 speed-ups, some DYAMOND results, Pier Luigi Vidale, UREAD, WP8
- Discussion - what do we think are the biggest issues/biases with our models going forward and how to address them? Have a google doc beforehand to gather ideas, discuss during break.
- 2.40-3 pm break
- 3-4.30 pm
- Chair: Laurent Terray
- CLUSTER 5: Climate variability
- 3-3.15 Impacts of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on the tropical Pacific: origin of the inter-model spread, Yohan Ruprich-Robert, BSC, WP5
- 3.15-3.30 Relative importance of deep water formation in Labrador Sea, Irminger Sea and Nordic Seas for AMOC variability across different grid resolutions, Katja Lohmann, MPI-M, WP2
- 3.30-3.45 Impact of Model Physics and Resolution on Climate response to the AMV, Dan Hodson, UREAD, WP5
- 3.45-4 Impact of resolution on the atmospheric circulation response to Arctic sea-ice decline, Svenya Chripko, (CERFACS), WP5
- 4-4.30 Discussion - what are the biggest problems with simulation of climate variability impacting Europe?
Wednesday 29th April
Morning session
- 8.30-10 am
- Chair: Torben Koenigk
- CLUSTER 6: General circulation
- 8.30-8.45 The representation of Northern Hemisphere blocking in current global climate models, Reinhard Schiemann, UREAD, WP1/2
- 8.45-9 Impact of blocking on low wind events and its representation by high-resolution GCMs: An energy perspective , Paula Gonzalez, UREAD, WP10/11
- 9-9.15 Increasing model resolution, SST biases and the representation of North Atlantic eddy-driven jet, Panos Athanasiadis, CMCC, WP1/WP2
- 9.15-9.30 The effect of resolution on the response of the relationship between NAO and European surface temperatures to severe warming, Dian Putrasahan, MPI-M, WP4
- 9.30-9.40 mini-break
- 9.40-9.55 Rossby wave activity associated with weather regimes in PRIMAVERA models, Paolo Ghinassi, ISAC-CNR, WP5
- 9.55-10.10 Impact of resolution on Rossby wave sources in PRIMAVERA models, Ramon Fuentes-Franco, SMHI, WP2
- 10.10-10.25 TNA response to ENSO in late winter – spring: differences among CGCM models with distinct spatial resolutions, Jorge Lopez-Parages, CERFACS, WP5
- 10.30-10.45 break
- 10.45-12pm
- Chair: Louis-Philippe Caron
- 10.45-11.15 Data - 30 min session on how data availability, access, issues have worked in project (hope to send out questionnaire before GA5, and work all this into D9.6 as part of lessons learnt).
- 11.15-12 Project lessons learned along WP lines (~10min each) - including the following:
- WP 1, 2, 3, 4
- 12-1 pm Lunch
Afternoon Session
- 1-2.30 pm
- Chair: Erika Palin
- 1-2pm
- Lessons learned (continued)
- WP 5, 6, 9, 10, 11
- 2-2.30
- IPCC mini-session - chapters where HighResMIP contributes, encouragement to comment on SOD - Paco, Rein, Helene, Laurent, all
- Where are continuing gaps? Contributions to WG2? Future efforts? CMIP7?
- 2.30-3pm break
- 3 - 4.30pm
- Chair: Panos Athanasiadis
- 3 - 4pm
- Project legacy and future plans
- How PRIMAVERA has influenced future proposal ideas - Torben Koenigk
- WP8 perspective piece, work up BAMS ideas - Pier Luigi
- HighResMIP interactions update and ideas for future HighResMIP – Malcolm and Rein
- coordinators perspectives - Malcolm and Pier Luigi
- 4.4.30
- Feedback from external panel, EC, other discussion
- 4.30 Close